SBCGlobal Email account not working on phone
If you are using an Android device to operate your SBCGlobal account, but facing issue or SBCGlobal is not working on your device, try the recovery methods given below:
Reboot your device as this can do the wonder in most of the cases
Uninstall and Re-install the application on your device
Check the IMAP/ POP Configuration Settings in Android
Make sure your phone is connected to the network
Set the correct IMAP settings for SBCGlobal email on Android:
Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server:
Incoming port: 993
SSL Requirement: Yes
Outgoing (SMTP) server:
Outgoing port: 465 or 587
SSL Requirement: Yes
Authentication Requirement: Yes
Detailed information about SBCGlobal Email Login issues at