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Публикувано от Ванина Иванова
First let me say that i have LOVED my clarisonic for the past two years. Its kept my skin clear and soft. It was also one of the few things that controlled my VERY combination skin. I originally bought mine over two years ago without a single issue. I have always been very aware of the pressure i used with the clarisonic and as mentioned above i've been super happy with it. The beginning of Febraury i bought two new brush heads. The deep pore brush head and the sensitive brush head. After the first use i noticed my skin didn't "look" right. Over the next few weeks my skin went from good to bad to REALLY bad. I thought i was going through a purging phase. During this phase my skin not only broke out in acne (spots) but i noticed broken capillaries in my face (cheeks and nose) that had broken. Clarisonic state: "Deep Pore Cleansing: Ideal for cleansing oily skin, large pores or hard to reach areas of the face, such as around the nose.  Gentle enough for daily use." NOTE: After speaking with my dermatologist i was told that "skin getting worse before better is generally a myth". As these (on my cheeks) were rash line it was considered this was due to irritation (irritant contact dermatitis) as opposed to actually "blocked pores". Also, blocked pores tend to take between 2-7 days before you actually see them on the skins surface - my skins reaction was apparent after the first 24 hours. Nothing in my skincare routine has changed. I was not using any other products nor was i using any exfoliating agents (other than retin-a) which i had used previous for the past 5 years without any problems. I stopped using the deep pore brush and switched to the sensitive head brush but i still conttinued to experience breakouts and skin irritation. The breakouts on my cheek bones were not only raised they itched and resembled more like boils. No pus (sorry!) was ever present in the spots. The whole experience has been very upsetting. i have not used the brush since and my skin is recovering. I am going to have IPL on the broken veins (but this is costing £150 a go!) . My skin is still very sensitive and i cannot use any exfoliating agents without experiencing irritation breakouts (that includes a soft wash cloth as well). Its seems my skin is over sensitiveised and needs a rest. Whatever happened my skin did not like the new brush head. As stated i had never had any issues before with the Clarisonic and my results were always great. Its a shame this happened and i'm hoping when my skin heals i can resume my daily clarisonic cleansing routine (with the sensitive head) and not experience any more troubles. BOTTOM LINE: Will i use clarisonic again? DAMN RIGHT! I love mine ... just not the deep pore cleansing brush! My advice - with two years of experience under my belt with this machine i can say its a beauty - but i would suggest starting with the sensitive head brush and if you go with the normal/deep pore or acne brush STOP at the first sign of irritation. Breakouts of any kind are not a good sign and not a sign of the skin purging itself. clarisonic mia clarisonic mia before and after clarisonic mia review clarisonic mia 2 clarisonic review clarisonic tutorial clarisonic before and after clarisonic plus clarisonic mia tutoria clarisonic pro Other videos you might have missed! SUBSCRIBE TO WIN FREE MAKEUP! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty6gFU21ehI&list=UUCvoAe__WFYMNAEN-C-CtYA&feature=plcp COMPLETE GUIDE TO CONTOURING AND HIGHLIGHTING! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTb5vOIuzBE&feature=related HOW TO: KIM KARDASHIAN CONCEALER TUTORIAL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAtJkOk7PKE&feature=fvwrel EXPOSED!!!! KIM KARDASHIAN & THE MAGIC LINE!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju-wWNFdH4I&feature=relmfu
Публикации 23 януари 2015 г.
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