
resan carson Блогове

26 блога
  • 15 Aug 2018
    Unlock Codes for Mobile Phones- free Nokia Samsung Unlocks NOKIAcell phone code :These Free Nokia Unlock codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones(1) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number).This is useful when your mobile is lost or stolen.Free Motorola and Samsung Unlock codes are in another post.If u find any difficulty to understand this Unlock code for Mobile Phones please write in comment section.2) *#0000# Displays your phones software version,1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favorite )(3) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.(4)*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%If mobile is locked you can check by this way(8) #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).(9) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).(10) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).(11) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).How To unlock mobile Phones like Samsung, Nokia and MotorolaFor different networks they lock different locks. Each code also unlocks different locks. You need to type your code into your handset as follows#pw+[one of the below numbers]+x#{To get the p push your * key 3 times, the w is the * pushed 4 times and for + is the *pushed2 times. }X= how far down that list the number you are using is...014023433202622 (1)426357740475450 (2)907372026565074 (3)845941163371047 (4)484167302243762 (5)497227217504624 (6)705550724347656 (7)You should always try code 7 and 1 first.So you would type for code7 #pw+705550724347656+7# andfor code 1 it is#pw+014023433202622+1#.To get the p push your * key 3 times, the w is the * pushed 4 times and+ is the pushed 2 times.When the lock has been removed it will say "SIM restriction off" or somthing similar.(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.24) *#7760# Manufactures code.(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings.26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.(27) *#92702689# (Favourite)Displays -1.Serial Number,2.Date Made,3.Purchase Date,4.Date of last repair(0000 for no repairs),5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again.(28) *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.(32) 12345 This is the default security code.press and hold # Lets you switch between linesIMEI number: * # 0 6 #Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4Nokia unlock codes 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190IMEI number: * # 0 6 #Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #NOKIA 3110IMEI number: * # 0 6 #Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #NOKIA 3330 unlocks*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.#3370# Deactivates the above*#0000# Shows your software version*#746025625#This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restartRestore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code*#7780# Manufacturer InfoDate of Manufacturing *#3283#*3001#12345# (TDMA phones only) This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll bepresented with the programming menu.2) Select "NAM1"3) Select "PSID/RSID"4) Select "P/RSID 1"Note: Any of the P/RSIDs will work5) Select "System Type" and set it to Private6) Select "PSID/RSID" and set it to 17) Select "Connected System ID"Note: Enter your System ID for Cantel, which is 16401 or 16423. If you don't know yours, ask your local dealer for it.8) Select "Alpha Tag"9) Enter a new tag, then press OK10) Select "Operator Code (SOC)" and set it to 205011) Select "Country Code" and set it to 302 for Canada, and 310 for the US.12) Power down the phone and power it back on againISDN Code To check the ISDN number on your Nokia use this Free nokia Unlock code *#92772689#.::As I tried to collect most common Unlock code for mobile phones.It may not work with some models.
    1785 Публикувано от resan carson
  • Unlock Codes for Mobile Phones- free Nokia Samsung Unlocks NOKIAcell phone code :These Free Nokia Unlock codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones(1) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number).This is useful when your mobile is lost or stolen.Free Motorola and Samsung Unlock codes are in another post.If u find any difficulty to understand this Unlock code for Mobile Phones please write in comment section.2) *#0000# Displays your phones software version,1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type. ( Favorite )(3) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.(4)*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%If mobile is locked you can check by this way(8) #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).(9) #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).(10) #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).(11) #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).How To unlock mobile Phones like Samsung, Nokia and MotorolaFor different networks they lock different locks. Each code also unlocks different locks. You need to type your code into your handset as follows#pw+[one of the below numbers]+x#{To get the p push your * key 3 times, the w is the * pushed 4 times and for + is the *pushed2 times. }X= how far down that list the number you are using is...014023433202622 (1)426357740475450 (2)907372026565074 (3)845941163371047 (4)484167302243762 (5)497227217504624 (6)705550724347656 (7)You should always try code 7 and 1 first.So you would type for code7 #pw+705550724347656+7# andfor code 1 it is#pw+014023433202622+1#.To get the p push your * key 3 times, the w is the * pushed 4 times and+ is the pushed 2 times.When the lock has been removed it will say "SIM restriction off" or somthing similar.(12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.(13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).(14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to(15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.(16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.(17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.(18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.(19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.(20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.(21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.(22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.(23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.24) *#7760# Manufactures code.(25) *#7780# Restore factory settings.26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.(27) *#92702689# (Favourite)Displays -1.Serial Number,2.Date Made,3.Purchase Date,4.Date of last repair(0000 for no repairs),5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again.(28) *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem.(29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.(30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.(31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.(32) 12345 This is the default security code.press and hold # Lets you switch between linesIMEI number: * # 0 6 #Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+1Network lock status #pw+1234567890+2Provider lock status: #pw+1234567890+3SimCard lock status: #pw+1234567890+4Nokia unlock codes 6110/6120/6130/6150/6190IMEI number: * # 0 6 #Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #NOKIA 3110IMEI number: * # 0 6 #Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 # or * # 9 9 9 9 # or * # 3 1 1 0 #Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #NOKIA 3330 unlocks*#06# This will show your warranty details *#92702689#*3370# Basically increases the quality of calling sound, but decreases battery length.#3370# Deactivates the above*#0000# Shows your software version*#746025625#This shows if your phone will allow sim clock stoppage*4370# Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart#4370# Half Rate Codec deactivation. It will automatically restartRestore Factory Settings To do this simply use this code*#7780# Manufacturer InfoDate of Manufacturing *#3283#*3001#12345# (TDMA phones only) This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll bepresented with the programming menu.2) Select "NAM1"3) Select "PSID/RSID"4) Select "P/RSID 1"Note: Any of the P/RSIDs will work5) Select "System Type" and set it to Private6) Select "PSID/RSID" and set it to 17) Select "Connected System ID"Note: Enter your System ID for Cantel, which is 16401 or 16423. If you don't know yours, ask your local dealer for it.8) Select "Alpha Tag"9) Enter a new tag, then press OK10) Select "Operator Code (SOC)" and set it to 205011) Select "Country Code" and set it to 302 for Canada, and 310 for the US.12) Power down the phone and power it back on againISDN Code To check the ISDN number on your Nokia use this Free nokia Unlock code *#92772689#.::As I tried to collect most common Unlock code for mobile phones.It may not work with some models.
    Aug 15, 2018 1785
  • 15 Aug 2018
    Nokia unlock codesNokia phone unlock codes for free. There are different nokia unlock codes for different nokia models like nokia 6288, n95, Nokia 6682, 7270, 6280, 1600, Nokia 6130. Even there are two types of mobile unlocking service provider unlocking – sim unlock. You can also get mobile unlocking software that will generate codes for unlockingFree Nokia Cell Phone Unlock Codes1) Unlock Nokia 6600 (Orange, UK)#pw+399466210777312+1# #pw+719950237732007+5#2) Unlock Nokia 3390 (Fido, Canada)#pw+6595657252+1# or#pw+4474052474+1# 3) Unlock Nokia 6102 (Cingular, USA)#pw+939652056653040+1#4) Unlock Nokia 6820b (AT&T, USA) #pw+895421713251412+1#5) Unlock Nokia 6102b (Cingular, USA)#pw+324556243142742+1#6) Unlock Nokia 6010 (T-Mobile, USA)#pw+748900573631603+1#7) Unlock Nokia 3120 (Vodafone, Spain)#pw+008923325642375+7#8) Unlock Nokia 6101 (T-Mobile, USA)#pw+110464135761655+1#9) Unlock Nokia 6230 (Vodafone, UK)#pw+737190152533105+7#10) Unlock Nokia 7600 (3 Network, UK)#pw+448917267516205+1#.<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} <![endif]-->          If you have latest nokia smartphone like nokia lumia 730 dual sim or nokia lumia 1520 32gb then here is the nokia lumia smartphone secret codes. These codes are useful to unlock hidden menu of your nokia android. This code are used for sim lock status of lumia 1020, service provider lock of nokia lumia 930 and various useful function for nokia wifi test, screen test and many test mode code for nokia lumia smartphones.  
    1242 Публикувано от resan carson
  • Nokia unlock codesNokia phone unlock codes for free. There are different nokia unlock codes for different nokia models like nokia 6288, n95, Nokia 6682, 7270, 6280, 1600, Nokia 6130. Even there are two types of mobile unlocking service provider unlocking – sim unlock. You can also get mobile unlocking software that will generate codes for unlockingFree Nokia Cell Phone Unlock Codes1) Unlock Nokia 6600 (Orange, UK)#pw+399466210777312+1# #pw+719950237732007+5#2) Unlock Nokia 3390 (Fido, Canada)#pw+6595657252+1# or#pw+4474052474+1# 3) Unlock Nokia 6102 (Cingular, USA)#pw+939652056653040+1#4) Unlock Nokia 6820b (AT&T, USA) #pw+895421713251412+1#5) Unlock Nokia 6102b (Cingular, USA)#pw+324556243142742+1#6) Unlock Nokia 6010 (T-Mobile, USA)#pw+748900573631603+1#7) Unlock Nokia 3120 (Vodafone, Spain)#pw+008923325642375+7#8) Unlock Nokia 6101 (T-Mobile, USA)#pw+110464135761655+1#9) Unlock Nokia 6230 (Vodafone, UK)#pw+737190152533105+7#10) Unlock Nokia 7600 (3 Network, UK)#pw+448917267516205+1#.<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} <![endif]-->          If you have latest nokia smartphone like nokia lumia 730 dual sim or nokia lumia 1520 32gb then here is the nokia lumia smartphone secret codes. These codes are useful to unlock hidden menu of your nokia android. This code are used for sim lock status of lumia 1020, service provider lock of nokia lumia 930 and various useful function for nokia wifi test, screen test and many test mode code for nokia lumia smartphones.  
    Aug 15, 2018 1242
  • 15 Aug 2018
    LG cdma service code and Lg cdma mobile secret codes This LG Codes are different from lg unlock codes. LGC-300 programming: menu + 9 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by userA-Key: press STO for some time while you can see special code enter zone. Type 2539** and enter A-keyLGC-330W programming: menu + 4 + 0 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by user.A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-keyLGC-800W /500 programming: menu + 0 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by user.A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-keyLGC-510 programming: menu + 3 + 0 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by user.A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-keyLG1010 LG4NE1 TP2200 TP2100 Touchpoint SB/DB TP 1100 TP52001. Press ##2. Enter the OTKSL3. Scroll to SAVE and press OK4. Scroll to MIN and press OK5. Enter 10 digit MIN scroll to SAVE and press OK6. Scroll to SID and press OK (Skip on 4NE1 go to RESET PHONE and press OK to complete)7. Enter SID (4654) and scroll to SAVE and press OK8. Programming is completeLG53501. Enter ## and enter the OTKSL and press the left soft key under the word “Save”2. At the Service Program display select Mobile Phone # and press the OK in the center of the 4 way navigation key3. Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK4. Scroll down to 4. Advanced and press OK5. Scroll to NMSI and press OK6. Enter the MSID and press OK7. Scroll down to 9. Amps Phone # and press OK8. Enter the MSID and press OK9. Press the END key.<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} <![endif]-->          These codes are for lg cdma mobile but if you are looking for lg smartphone codes then here is the detail of secret lg smartphone codes for various lg android phones. This codes are applicable to newer lg smartphone like  lg g2,lg g3, lg g5, lg v10 having android marshmallow, kitkat and lollipop software.   <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->
    933 Публикувано от resan carson
  • LG cdma service code and Lg cdma mobile secret codes This LG Codes are different from lg unlock codes. LGC-300 programming: menu + 9 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by userA-Key: press STO for some time while you can see special code enter zone. Type 2539** and enter A-keyLGC-330W programming: menu + 4 + 0 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by user.A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-keyLGC-800W /500 programming: menu + 0 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by user.A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-keyLGC-510 programming: menu + 3 + 0 and enter SPC: "000000" or may be other SPC typed by user.A-Key: type 2539** and enter A-keyLG1010 LG4NE1 TP2200 TP2100 Touchpoint SB/DB TP 1100 TP52001. Press ##2. Enter the OTKSL3. Scroll to SAVE and press OK4. Scroll to MIN and press OK5. Enter 10 digit MIN scroll to SAVE and press OK6. Scroll to SID and press OK (Skip on 4NE1 go to RESET PHONE and press OK to complete)7. Enter SID (4654) and scroll to SAVE and press OK8. Programming is completeLG53501. Enter ## and enter the OTKSL and press the left soft key under the word “Save”2. At the Service Program display select Mobile Phone # and press the OK in the center of the 4 way navigation key3. Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK4. Scroll down to 4. Advanced and press OK5. Scroll to NMSI and press OK6. Enter the MSID and press OK7. Scroll down to 9. Amps Phone # and press OK8. Enter the MSID and press OK9. Press the END key.<!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 10]> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} <![endif]-->          These codes are for lg cdma mobile but if you are looking for lg smartphone codes then here is the detail of secret lg smartphone codes for various lg android phones. This codes are applicable to newer lg smartphone like  lg g2,lg g3, lg g5, lg v10 having android marshmallow, kitkat and lollipop software.   <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]-->
    Aug 15, 2018 933
  • 15 Aug 2018
    Samsung cellular phone Unlock CODESamsung cellular phone SGH-600 : *2767*3855#samsung S100, S300, V200 : *2767*7822573738#---A300, A800 : *2767*637#---X100 : *2767*688#samsung cellphone sgh-600 mobiles : *2767*3855#s100,s300,v200 : *2767*7822573738#s105 mobiles : *2767*7822573738#After the phone reboots enter the following code : #0111*00000000#Personalisation cancelled should be displayed. cellular phone is now unlockeda800,a300 mobiles : *2767*637#t100 : *2767*media#*2767*full#*2767*cust#*2767*wap#*2767*stackresetfor example stackreset = 7822573738e700 : *2767*688#Here some more codes for samsung T100*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)*#8999*246# -> Program status for samsung mobile phones*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency*#8999*324# -> Debug screens of cellular phone *#8999*364# -> Watchdog*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast*#8999*544# -> Jig detect*#8999*636# -> Memory status for samsung phone*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN*#8999*837# -> Software Version of new cellular phone *#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg*#8999*872# -> Diag*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)*#8999*9999# -> Software version*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)*0002*?# -> unknown*0003*?# -> unknownall samsung s300 and v200 and s500 : Free unlocking by codessamsung mobile phone s300 and v200 :*2767*63342# and press green button*2767*3855# and press green button of samsung cellular phone *2767*2878# and press green button*2767*927# and press green button*2767*7822573738# press button of samsung cellphonesamsung mobile phone s500 : *2767*688#. Here is how to unlock latest samsung galaxy mobile
    1135 Публикувано от resan carson
  • Samsung cellular phone Unlock CODESamsung cellular phone SGH-600 : *2767*3855#samsung S100, S300, V200 : *2767*7822573738#---A300, A800 : *2767*637#---X100 : *2767*688#samsung cellphone sgh-600 mobiles : *2767*3855#s100,s300,v200 : *2767*7822573738#s105 mobiles : *2767*7822573738#After the phone reboots enter the following code : #0111*00000000#Personalisation cancelled should be displayed. cellular phone is now unlockeda800,a300 mobiles : *2767*637#t100 : *2767*media#*2767*full#*2767*cust#*2767*wap#*2767*stackresetfor example stackreset = 7822573738e700 : *2767*688#Here some more codes for samsung T100*#8999*228# -> Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature)*#8999*246# -> Program status for samsung mobile phones*#8999*289# -> Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency*#8999*324# -> Debug screens of cellular phone *#8999*364# -> Watchdog*#8999*377# -> EEPROM Error Stack*#8999*427# -> Trace Watchdog*#8999*523# -> Change LCD contrast*#8999*544# -> Jig detect*#8999*636# -> Memory status for samsung phone*#8999*746# -> SIM File Size*#8999*778# -> SIM Service Table*#8999*785# -> RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors*#8999*786# -> Run, Last UP, Last DOWN*#8999*837# -> Software Version of new cellular phone *#8999*842# -> Test Vibrator*#8999*862# -> Vocoder Reg*#8999*872# -> Diag*#8999*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error*#8999*999# -> Last/Chk*#8999*9266# -> Yann debug screen (=Debug Screens?)*#8999*9999# -> Software version*0001*s*f*t# -> Changes serial parameters (s=?, f=0,1, t=0,1) (incomplete)*0002*?# -> unknown*0003*?# -> unknownall samsung s300 and v200 and s500 : Free unlocking by codessamsung mobile phone s300 and v200 :*2767*63342# and press green button*2767*3855# and press green button of samsung cellular phone *2767*2878# and press green button*2767*927# and press green button*2767*7822573738# press button of samsung cellphonesamsung mobile phone s500 : *2767*688#. Here is how to unlock latest samsung galaxy mobile
    Aug 15, 2018 1135
  • 15 Aug 2018
    Samsung cdma Service Code Samsung unlock codes are different then service codes.Samsung:All type of phones (old modeles):NAM programming: 47*869#08#9Test mode: *759#813580 or 5809540*45680exit test mode - 02A-Key: menu + 0, code 25##Samsung A5001. Enter ## and the 6 digit OTKSL2. SERVICE MENU will appear and 1.Basic will be highlighted3. Press OK4. Device will display NAM CDMA/ Phone Number5. Enter 10 digit MIN6. Press OK (3 times)7. Display will return to Service Menu. Press END.8. Programming is completeSamsung N240 and N4001. Enter ## and type in the 6 digit OTKSL2. The display will show SVC MENU and 1. Phone Number3. Press OK4. Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK5. The display will show NAM with Home SID on the second line (Note: SID is no longer used)6. Press OK7. The display will return to the SVC MENU8. Press END to complete the programmingSamsung Uproar1. Press MENU key2. Enter 9 2 03. Enter the OTKSL4. At SVC Menu screen press OK5. Enter MIN and press OK 4 times6. Enter SID (4654) and press OK7. Press END key8. Programming is completeSamsung N3001. Press ## followed by the OTKSL2. SVC menu will be displayed3. Press 1 for Phone #
    1045 Публикувано от resan carson
  • Samsung cdma Service Code Samsung unlock codes are different then service codes.Samsung:All type of phones (old modeles):NAM programming: 47*869#08#9Test mode: *759#813580 or 5809540*45680exit test mode - 02A-Key: menu + 0, code 25##Samsung A5001. Enter ## and the 6 digit OTKSL2. SERVICE MENU will appear and 1.Basic will be highlighted3. Press OK4. Device will display NAM CDMA/ Phone Number5. Enter 10 digit MIN6. Press OK (3 times)7. Display will return to Service Menu. Press END.8. Programming is completeSamsung N240 and N4001. Enter ## and type in the 6 digit OTKSL2. The display will show SVC MENU and 1. Phone Number3. Press OK4. Enter the 10 digit MIN and press OK5. The display will show NAM with Home SID on the second line (Note: SID is no longer used)6. Press OK7. The display will return to the SVC MENU8. Press END to complete the programmingSamsung Uproar1. Press MENU key2. Enter 9 2 03. Enter the OTKSL4. At SVC Menu screen press OK5. Enter MIN and press OK 4 times6. Enter SID (4654) and press OK7. Press END key8. Programming is completeSamsung N3001. Press ## followed by the OTKSL2. SVC menu will be displayed3. Press 1 for Phone #
    Aug 15, 2018 1045
  • 15 Aug 2018
    Motorola unlock code-V300 Motorola razr Cell phone Unlock Unlock motorola codes for v3 and razr.motorola cellular T205/T19xmost of the code applicable to Motorola d460,6200,Motorola cellphone 7500, Motorola Unlock codes for 8200,8400, 8700,V3688.*#06# -> Displays imei for*#300# OK -> List the Software & Hardware Version of motorola cellular*#301# OK -> Full Keypads Functional Test*#303# Ok -> Set Default Language to English*304# OK -> Set OFF engineering mode new cellular phone#304*19980722# -> Set ON Engineering mode*#305# OK -> Location: 1 OK*#307# OK -> Engineering Test Mode*#311# OK -> Phone code changed to default code*#400# OK -> ADC, Cal val**#402# OK -> Adjust Display Intensity/Contrast*#403# OK -> List the manufacturing Informations of motorola cellular19980722 OK -> Master Unlock code for Phone & SimLock.this code are independent of whether it is new cellular phone or pre paid cell phone.And it may work with one model and not working with other model like Unlock Motorola rarz code may not work with motorla v3.*#302# OK -> Acoustic Test**3370# -> Enhanced Full Rate#3370# -> Deactivate Enhanced full Rate*#72837726# OK -> Confirm?, Data Saved1234 OK Phone Code Default*#0000# OK -> Settings saved, restore set phoneto default language.new cellular phone EFR:###119#1#, (OK) to activate EFR mode.###119#0#, (OK) to deactivate EFR mode.Code to lock keys. Press together *7Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.Other Secret Master Codes for Motorola phones.Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []Add phonebook to main menu of motorola cellphone:[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []Add messages to main menu:[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []Eng Field options (main menu):[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []Slow (Frequency of search menu):[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []Medium (Frequency of search menu):[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []Fast (Frequency of search menu):[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []Enable EFR:[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []Function :[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []Change pin:[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []Unblocking using the "puk" number:[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []You can change motorola cellular GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model. Following the below steps:enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menuunder "Opcode"input 10*0*3 for GSM 90010*0*4 for GSM 180010*0*5 for GSM 190010*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/180010*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press ok.press 50 and ok.press 1 ok.press 64 ok.press 1 ok.press 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested)Net Monitor ON: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]Net Monitor OFF: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]* - press this until box shown upActivate RBS (Radio Base Station) Motorola cellphone.(Note: pause means the * key held in until box appears)To activate RBS type: [pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 1 [pause] [ok]You now have to press the [MENU] and scroll to the 'Eng Field Options' function with the keys, and enable it.De-activate RBSTo de-activate RBS type: [pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 0 [pause] [ok]This only works with some versions of software.What's the use of RBS:Get Distance From Base Station - Place a call, when it is answered, press [MENU] until 'Eng Field Option' is displayed, press [OK], select 'Active Cell', press [OK], press [MENU] until 'Time Adv xxx' appears, where xxx is a number. Multiply this number by 550, and the result is the distance from the RBS (Radio Base Station), in meters.Get Signal Quality - press [MENU] until 'Eng Field Option' is displayed, press [OK], select 'Active Cell', press [OK], press [MENU] until 'C1' appears. This is the signal quality. If it becomes negative for longer than 5 seconds, a new cell is selected.Other Phones from Motorola cellular (CD 160, CD 520, 920, 930)new cellular phone Motorola CD 160Press menu and type one of these numbers and press OK:11 = Status Review for new cellular phone13 = Available Networks14 = Preferred Networks22 = Select Keypad Tones25 = Require SIM Card PIN26 = Language Selection32 = Repetitive Timer33 = Single Alert Timer34 = Set IN-Call Display35 = Show Call Timers36 = Show Call Charges37 = Call Charge Settings38 = Reset All Timers43 = Reset All Timers45 = Show Last Call46 = Total For All Calls47 = Lifetime Timer for Motorola cellular51 = Change Unlock Code52 = Master Reset53 = Master Clear (Warning!! May result in deleting the Message Editor!!!)54 = New Security Code55 = Automatic Lock63 = Battery Saving Mode.Free call tip1 Enter the phone number2 Enter OK3 Type *#06#4 Press Button C5 And finally press the button for power off.You should now be able to talk without being billed.Keyboard lock fo Motorola cellularif you push * and # on the same time your keyboard locked. When you press it again, you unlock your keyboard.Supplementary Menu for Motorola cellularIf your Motorola CD920 or 930 has the engineering software, you can get an engineering mode by typing : ***113*1*, but you have to maintain each * during 3 sec to get a square. So 3 squares, 113, 1 square, 1, 1 square, CALL.If the software is present you have one supplementary menu. To remove it typ ***113*0* like above.To put the counter to 0 even global counter, just do a reset factory in the Config menu.In future give u more on Motorola unlock codes for v3 and motorola rarz cellular phone.
    868 Публикувано от resan carson
  • Motorola unlock code-V300 Motorola razr Cell phone Unlock Unlock motorola codes for v3 and razr.motorola cellular T205/T19xmost of the code applicable to Motorola d460,6200,Motorola cellphone 7500, Motorola Unlock codes for 8200,8400, 8700,V3688.*#06# -> Displays imei for*#300# OK -> List the Software & Hardware Version of motorola cellular*#301# OK -> Full Keypads Functional Test*#303# Ok -> Set Default Language to English*304# OK -> Set OFF engineering mode new cellular phone#304*19980722# -> Set ON Engineering mode*#305# OK -> Location: 1 OK*#307# OK -> Engineering Test Mode*#311# OK -> Phone code changed to default code*#400# OK -> ADC, Cal val**#402# OK -> Adjust Display Intensity/Contrast*#403# OK -> List the manufacturing Informations of motorola cellular19980722 OK -> Master Unlock code for Phone & SimLock.this code are independent of whether it is new cellular phone or pre paid cell phone.And it may work with one model and not working with other model like Unlock Motorola rarz code may not work with motorla v3.*#302# OK -> Acoustic Test**3370# -> Enhanced Full Rate#3370# -> Deactivate Enhanced full Rate*#72837726# OK -> Confirm?, Data Saved1234 OK Phone Code Default*#0000# OK -> Settings saved, restore set phoneto default language.new cellular phone EFR:###119#1#, (OK) to activate EFR mode.###119#0#, (OK) to deactivate EFR mode.Code to lock keys. Press together *7Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.Other Secret Master Codes for Motorola phones.Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []Add phonebook to main menu of motorola cellphone:[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []Add messages to main menu:[] [] [] 1 0 7 [] 1 []Copy SIM memory (phonebook menu):[] [] [] 1 0 8 [] 1 []Eng Field options (main menu):[] [] [] 1 1 3 [] 1 []Slow (Frequency of search menu):[] [] [] 1 0 1 [] 1 []Medium (Frequency of search menu):[] [] [] 1 0 2 [] 1 []Fast (Frequency of search menu):[] [] [] 1 0 3 [] 1 []Enable EFR:[] [] [] 1 1 9 [] 1 []Function :[] [] [] # # # [] 1 []Change pin:[] [] [] 0 0 4 [] 1 []Unblocking using the "puk" number:[] [] [] 0 0 5 [] 1 []You can change motorola cellular GSM frequencies to 900/1800 by entering the enginnering model. Following the below steps:enter menu and press 048263* quickly, then you will enter the secret engineering menuunder "Opcode"input 10*0*3 for GSM 90010*0*4 for GSM 180010*0*5 for GSM 190010*0*6 for dual band GSM 900/180010*0*7 for dual band GSM 850/1900To add extra message space 4 your Motorola C350 C450 C550 or C650, press menu button, press 048263* quickly, then on the popup menu enter 47 press ok.press 50 and ok.press 1 ok.press 64 ok.press 1 ok.press 186 and ok.You will receive an extra 50 msgs memory space.Switch phone off and back on.(not tested)Net Monitor ON: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]Net Monitor OFF: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]* - press this until box shown upActivate RBS (Radio Base Station) Motorola cellphone.(Note: pause means the * key held in until box appears)To activate RBS type: [pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 1 [pause] [ok]You now have to press the [MENU] and scroll to the 'Eng Field Options' function with the keys, and enable it.De-activate RBSTo de-activate RBS type: [pause] [pause] [pause] 1 1 3 [pause] 0 [pause] [ok]This only works with some versions of software.What's the use of RBS:Get Distance From Base Station - Place a call, when it is answered, press [MENU] until 'Eng Field Option' is displayed, press [OK], select 'Active Cell', press [OK], press [MENU] until 'Time Adv xxx' appears, where xxx is a number. Multiply this number by 550, and the result is the distance from the RBS (Radio Base Station), in meters.Get Signal Quality - press [MENU] until 'Eng Field Option' is displayed, press [OK], select 'Active Cell', press [OK], press [MENU] until 'C1' appears. This is the signal quality. If it becomes negative for longer than 5 seconds, a new cell is selected.Other Phones from Motorola cellular (CD 160, CD 520, 920, 930)new cellular phone Motorola CD 160Press menu and type one of these numbers and press OK:11 = Status Review for new cellular phone13 = Available Networks14 = Preferred Networks22 = Select Keypad Tones25 = Require SIM Card PIN26 = Language Selection32 = Repetitive Timer33 = Single Alert Timer34 = Set IN-Call Display35 = Show Call Timers36 = Show Call Charges37 = Call Charge Settings38 = Reset All Timers43 = Reset All Timers45 = Show Last Call46 = Total For All Calls47 = Lifetime Timer for Motorola cellular51 = Change Unlock Code52 = Master Reset53 = Master Clear (Warning!! May result in deleting the Message Editor!!!)54 = New Security Code55 = Automatic Lock63 = Battery Saving Mode.Free call tip1 Enter the phone number2 Enter OK3 Type *#06#4 Press Button C5 And finally press the button for power off.You should now be able to talk without being billed.Keyboard lock fo Motorola cellularif you push * and # on the same time your keyboard locked. When you press it again, you unlock your keyboard.Supplementary Menu for Motorola cellularIf your Motorola CD920 or 930 has the engineering software, you can get an engineering mode by typing : ***113*1*, but you have to maintain each * during 3 sec to get a square. So 3 squares, 113, 1 square, 1, 1 square, CALL.If the software is present you have one supplementary menu. To remove it typ ***113*0* like above.To put the counter to 0 even global counter, just do a reset factory in the Config menu.In future give u more on Motorola unlock codes for v3 and motorola rarz cellular phone.
    Aug 15, 2018 868
  • 15 Aug 2018
    At&t lg v10 sim network unlock code from imei number, bell verizon t-mobile lg v10 unlocking to work with any sim network and how to recover lg v10 unlock code.                                       Lg v10 cdma /gsm/  evdo/ lte has snapdragon 808 chipset hexacore cpu with nano sim, 4gb ram and internal storage 32gb/ 64gb. It has android lollipop os version 5.1.1 and can be upgradable to android os version marshmallow 6.0. Lg v10 can record smooth video with rear 16mp camera and two 5mp front camera and having two screen main screen and second screen quad hd display resolution 2560x1440.                                 I am providing you two different ways for sim unlocking lg v10 t-mobile at&t smartphone. In first method we unlock lg v10 android phone without sim network unlock pin or network unlock code so you can use your lg v10 unlocked mobile on any gsm sim network. In second method we unlock lg v10 by generating sim network unlock pin for free. And I also explain how to generate sim network unlock pin for lg v10 t-mobile.                                        By above second method you can unlock lg v10 all models including at&t lg v10 h900 space black opel blue, unlock Verizon lg v10 vs990 luxe white, unlock t-mobile lg v10 h901bk space black, unlock lra lg v10 rs987, lg v10 h960 unlock, unlock lg v10 f600s – k – l, lg v10 dual sim h961n unlock and lg v10 dual sim 962 unlock. It also unlocks lg v10 h903/ h904 / h908 / h909.Why you need to unlock lg v10 smartphone                                          You have bought at&t t-mobile lg v10 with sim locked. Now you have two working sim card and you want to use those sim to lg v10 dual sim or you want to use another sim to your lg v10 android. When you enter new sim to lg v10 on your lg screen you get message that network locked sim card inserted, wrong sim card, invalid sim card unlock your phone, phone restricted enter phone restriction code, contact service provider to unlock lg v10. Now to use all gsm sim on your lg v10 you need to unlock lg v10 phone with sim network unlock code.                                             Before continuing to two different methods for lg v10 unlock. I give you some tricks to recover network unlock code/ sim unlock code from your lg v10 mobile. When you mobile locked it’s unlock code must be within its android os file system. So first download any file explorer of lg v10, lg bridge also a good file explorer but I am not sure it can go deep into file system.                                      First go to lg v10 setting and enable root explorer and enable mount file system and also allow su superuser. Now search inside root folder there is an efs folder under efs folder find nvdata file. Nv data is a non volatile memory which contain all information about your gsm sim network. It may possible that you can find network locking code inside nv data file. So remove that code and unlock your lg v10. Also search inside root/carrier folder, root/system, system/bin folder for carrierlock file or networklock file or simlock file. If you find any such file that has hidden unlock code in hexadecimal. So open those files with hexa editor and calculate your unlock code. It is not necessary that such file always exist inside your lg v10 this is just one trick. First method to unlock lg v10 at&t , tmobile without sim network unlock code.                                      This is only applicable to European version of lg v10 h960a android m unlocking. but if you are from other countries like united states of America, united kingdom, middle east eventhough you can try for this if you get unlock.bin file after registration then you are eligible for v10 unlocking. Here is the lg g5 sim unlocking for free by bootloader unlock method. You can also use below method for lg g4 and lg g5 unlocking.       1.      First download android software developer kit from developer site. To download sdk kit for lg v10 go to developer lge site and then click on android. New page will be open. Then click on sdk & tool.       2.       Now explore android software developer kit, from that your require -          Adb /Android debug bridge exe file.-          Adbwinapi.dll     this is for windows operating system. If you are using linux or mac pro then this file will be different.-          Also download lg usb driver for android smartphone.-          Adbusbapi.dll for compatibility with usb as you are connecting your lg v10 mobile to computer via usb cable.-          Fastboot executable file.        3.      Now enable usb debugging mode on your lg v10 android Smartphone. To enable usb debugging go to v10 android setting – developer option. Without this computer not able to detect lg v10 smartphone.       4.      For adb- android debugging bridge also requires usb debugging enabled. Without that adb cant able to make bridge between lg v10 mobile and computer. Adb act as an interface between lg v10 smartphone and computer without this lg v10 can’t communicate with computer.      5.      Now we are unlocking lg v10 h960a European and lg v10 android m via bootloader unlocking.     6.      Now oem stand for original equipment manufacturer here it is lg electronics. To enable oem unlock go to lg v10 android setting – developer option – activate oem unlock option. But if you are doing lg v10 unlocking from imei generated sim network unlock pin, in that case you don’t need to activate oem unlock.     7.       First go to developer lge website and not lg website. At the bottom of the page there is a mobile resource tab click on android. Now new page open click on unlock bootloader tab. At the bottom of that page click on starting unlocking the bootloader.Then it ask for a registration, register yourself it is free. During registration it asks information about lg v10 smartphone.- Your name, your email address- you will receive unlock.bin key file on this email id.- Now select lg model as we are unlocking lg v10 smartphone for Europe. There are also lg g5 and g4 model which you can unlock with this method.- provide lg v10 imei number or meid no.8.  lg v10 device id. You can find lg v10 smartphone device id by following way. - Open command prompt on your windows computer or mac and change directory to where you have stored above software developer kit / sdk.- Now enter this command -     adb devices.- This will provide you the list of all external android devices connected to your computer. If lg v10 not in that list then install lg android usb driver to your computer. Now your computer detects lg v10 android.- Device id of lg v10 consists of 64 characters that contain alphabet and numbers. You need to reboot your lg v10 smartphone and also remove all other android devices connected to your computer.- Now at the command prompt enter following command – adb reboot bootloader.      This reboot your lg v10 in fastboot / bootloader mode.Now enter command -     fastboot oem device-id.Command gives you below resultLg v10 bootloader) device-id.Lg v10 bootloader) 32 character string.            Bootloader) another 32 character string.                        Now lg v10 device-id is above 32character+32character without space that is 64 character device-id of lg v10 android.9.      Now enter device id to registration form and click confirm to submit lg v10 all details for unlock.bin key file.10.   After verification you will get lg v10 unlock.bin file to your email id.11.   Now copy unlock.bin key file to your lg v10 mobile phone. Now you need to overwrite lg v10 memory with unlock key code so that you can use lg v10 on any gsm sim network.12.   Now flash your unlock key file to lg v10 mobile by following command. After that your lg v10 fully unlocking and you can use any sim on lg v10.13.   Now go to run prompt and type   --    adb reboot bootloader. This will reboot your lg v10 mobile in fastboot / bootloader mode. Now go to the directory where you have copied your unlock.bin key file.14.   Now type this command     --     fastboot flash unlock unlock.bin.    This will fully unlock your lg v10 android smartphone.15.   To check that lg v10 unlocked or not  first type this commandAdb reboot bootloader. By this lg v1010 enter into bootloader mode-          Now enter command     --     fastboot getvar all.-          Response of the command is     Bootloader ) unlocked: yesNow boot lg v10 into system mode by   -- fastboot reboot command. You have unlocked lg v10 mobile.Second method How to sim unlock lg v10 mobile by imei generated sim network unlock pin for lg v10 all models like v10 dual sim h961n, h962 model, lg v10 h900 /901, h960, vs990, v10 f600s / k /l.                       There are many lg v10 unlocker software tools available on net. You go to search result upto 4, 5 pages. There are many software unlock tool depending upon your lg models like at&t lg v10, lg g5, g4, t-mobile lg v10 etc. To generate sim network unlock pin for lg v10 at&t, t-mobile you need following information about your lg v10 android phone.       1)      Imei number of your lg v10 mobile.       2)      Make and model of your smartphone: that is lg electronics and models are lg v10 dual sim h961n, h962, h900 /901, h960, vs990, v10 f600 s / k /l.      3)      Mobile country code / mnc : each country has its own mobile country code.United States of America mnc is 310, Canada =302, United Kingdom=234, Australia=505, France=208, Germany= 262, Ireland= 272. Saudi Arabia =420, Oman=422, United Arab Emirates=424.      4)      Mobile network code /mnc : each gsm sim provider has its own mobile network code. These codes are different for same sim provider for usa and uk. For example at&t usa mnc code are 070,090, t-mobile mnc usa=026.O2 uk mnc =2, o2 germany mnc=7 /8. Sprint, Verizon, bell, telus each has its own mnc code for different country. You can get this from sim manual. You can find how to get lg imei unlock codes for lg g2 and lg g3 unlock code. Though all these method have same criteria to generate lg imei unlock code.      5)      Sim serial number: some software tool require sim serial number but this number is not necessary.      6)      Lg android installed with android os version: kitkat 4.4 – kitkat 4.4.4. , lollipop 5.0 – 5.0.1 and marshmallow 6.0 – 6.0.1.After providing above information, it generate following different kind of sim network unlock code.1)      Nck / network carrier code / network control key: this is most widely used unlock code. When you insert new sim to your lg v10 is ask for sim network unlock pin for your lg v10. Enter this nck code.  Nck code is a network unlock code for your lg v10 smartphone. To unlock o2, orange,At&t, t-mobile  lg v10 you should enter network unlock code nck.2)      Spck / service provider code key : this is sim service provider unlock code. To unlock bell sim, telus and fido sim, you should use spck service provider unlock code. When you enter new sim to lg v10 android and if it prompt for sim network unlock code for lg then enter this spck code.  Many time you need to enter both nck and spck code specially bell sim unlocking metropcs sim and fido sim unlocking.3)      Nsck / Sub network code key / network subset key: many gsm company in America use at&t, t-mobile gsm network as parent network and they only have sub network. In Canada many sim provider use bell, telus network and in UK and Europe many sim company use o2, orange and vodafone network and those sim provider only have sub network. So to unlock such a sim card you should enter nsck code- network subset unlock code when mobile ask for sim network unlock pin for unlocking.4)      Cpck / cck /corporate unlock key: many major industry purchase buck of mobile for their employees and to unlock those lg mobile you require corporate unlock code.5)      Simck / sim unlock key : this is sim unlock code. Enter this unlock code when lg v10 aks for sim unlock code. This is not widely used code6)      Unfreeze / deepfreeze code: normally these codes are not used for lg smartphone. Cellphone got freezed when it has roaming lock or when you have tried 5 or 10 unlocking attempt and mobile got hard locked.                                              Now after you get lg v10 sim network unlock code, insert any sim to lg v10. It ask for sim network unlock pin – unlocking attempt 1 of 10 unlock or dismiss. That means you have maximum 10 unlock attempt.                             Now enter correct sim network unlock pin for your lg v10 which is of 16 digits.  Normally you should use nck code and tap on unlock.  If your mobile is successfully unlocked you get message that sim network unlock successful.                                But if you get the message that sim network unlock unsuccessful then enter service provider unlock code – spck and many time bell, tenus and fido require both network unlock code and service provider unlock code. So first enter nck code of lg v10 and then enter spck code for lg v10.   I hope above lg v10 unlocking method help you to unlock all your lg v10 models.
    506 Публикувано от resan carson
  • At&t lg v10 sim network unlock code from imei number, bell verizon t-mobile lg v10 unlocking to work with any sim network and how to recover lg v10 unlock code.                                       Lg v10 cdma /gsm/  evdo/ lte has snapdragon 808 chipset hexacore cpu with nano sim, 4gb ram and internal storage 32gb/ 64gb. It has android lollipop os version 5.1.1 and can be upgradable to android os version marshmallow 6.0. Lg v10 can record smooth video with rear 16mp camera and two 5mp front camera and having two screen main screen and second screen quad hd display resolution 2560x1440.                                 I am providing you two different ways for sim unlocking lg v10 t-mobile at&t smartphone. In first method we unlock lg v10 android phone without sim network unlock pin or network unlock code so you can use your lg v10 unlocked mobile on any gsm sim network. In second method we unlock lg v10 by generating sim network unlock pin for free. And I also explain how to generate sim network unlock pin for lg v10 t-mobile.                                        By above second method you can unlock lg v10 all models including at&t lg v10 h900 space black opel blue, unlock Verizon lg v10 vs990 luxe white, unlock t-mobile lg v10 h901bk space black, unlock lra lg v10 rs987, lg v10 h960 unlock, unlock lg v10 f600s – k – l, lg v10 dual sim h961n unlock and lg v10 dual sim 962 unlock. It also unlocks lg v10 h903/ h904 / h908 / h909.Why you need to unlock lg v10 smartphone                                          You have bought at&t t-mobile lg v10 with sim locked. Now you have two working sim card and you want to use those sim to lg v10 dual sim or you want to use another sim to your lg v10 android. When you enter new sim to lg v10 on your lg screen you get message that network locked sim card inserted, wrong sim card, invalid sim card unlock your phone, phone restricted enter phone restriction code, contact service provider to unlock lg v10. Now to use all gsm sim on your lg v10 you need to unlock lg v10 phone with sim network unlock code.                                             Before continuing to two different methods for lg v10 unlock. I give you some tricks to recover network unlock code/ sim unlock code from your lg v10 mobile. When you mobile locked it’s unlock code must be within its android os file system. So first download any file explorer of lg v10, lg bridge also a good file explorer but I am not sure it can go deep into file system.                                      First go to lg v10 setting and enable root explorer and enable mount file system and also allow su superuser. Now search inside root folder there is an efs folder under efs folder find nvdata file. Nv data is a non volatile memory which contain all information about your gsm sim network. It may possible that you can find network locking code inside nv data file. So remove that code and unlock your lg v10. Also search inside root/carrier folder, root/system, system/bin folder for carrierlock file or networklock file or simlock file. If you find any such file that has hidden unlock code in hexadecimal. So open those files with hexa editor and calculate your unlock code. It is not necessary that such file always exist inside your lg v10 this is just one trick. First method to unlock lg v10 at&t , tmobile without sim network unlock code.                                      This is only applicable to European version of lg v10 h960a android m unlocking. but if you are from other countries like united states of America, united kingdom, middle east eventhough you can try for this if you get unlock.bin file after registration then you are eligible for v10 unlocking. Here is the lg g5 sim unlocking for free by bootloader unlock method. You can also use below method for lg g4 and lg g5 unlocking.       1.      First download android software developer kit from developer site. To download sdk kit for lg v10 go to developer lge site and then click on android. New page will be open. Then click on sdk & tool.       2.       Now explore android software developer kit, from that your require -          Adb /Android debug bridge exe file.-          Adbwinapi.dll     this is for windows operating system. If you are using linux or mac pro then this file will be different.-          Also download lg usb driver for android smartphone.-          Adbusbapi.dll for compatibility with usb as you are connecting your lg v10 mobile to computer via usb cable.-          Fastboot executable file.        3.      Now enable usb debugging mode on your lg v10 android Smartphone. To enable usb debugging go to v10 android setting – developer option. Without this computer not able to detect lg v10 smartphone.       4.      For adb- android debugging bridge also requires usb debugging enabled. Without that adb cant able to make bridge between lg v10 mobile and computer. Adb act as an interface between lg v10 smartphone and computer without this lg v10 can’t communicate with computer.      5.      Now we are unlocking lg v10 h960a European and lg v10 android m via bootloader unlocking.     6.      Now oem stand for original equipment manufacturer here it is lg electronics. To enable oem unlock go to lg v10 android setting – developer option – activate oem unlock option. But if you are doing lg v10 unlocking from imei generated sim network unlock pin, in that case you don’t need to activate oem unlock.     7.       First go to developer lge website and not lg website. At the bottom of the page there is a mobile resource tab click on android. Now new page open click on unlock bootloader tab. At the bottom of that page click on starting unlocking the bootloader.Then it ask for a registration, register yourself it is free. During registration it asks information about lg v10 smartphone.- Your name, your email address- you will receive unlock.bin key file on this email id.- Now select lg model as we are unlocking lg v10 smartphone for Europe. There are also lg g5 and g4 model which you can unlock with this method.- provide lg v10 imei number or meid no.8.  lg v10 device id. You can find lg v10 smartphone device id by following way. - Open command prompt on your windows computer or mac and change directory to where you have stored above software developer kit / sdk.- Now enter this command -     adb devices.- This will provide you the list of all external android devices connected to your computer. If lg v10 not in that list then install lg android usb driver to your computer. Now your computer detects lg v10 android.- Device id of lg v10 consists of 64 characters that contain alphabet and numbers. You need to reboot your lg v10 smartphone and also remove all other android devices connected to your computer.- Now at the command prompt enter following command – adb reboot bootloader.      This reboot your lg v10 in fastboot / bootloader mode.Now enter command -     fastboot oem device-id.Command gives you below resultLg v10 bootloader) device-id.Lg v10 bootloader) 32 character string.            Bootloader) another 32 character string.                        Now lg v10 device-id is above 32character+32character without space that is 64 character device-id of lg v10 android.9.      Now enter device id to registration form and click confirm to submit lg v10 all details for unlock.bin key file.10.   After verification you will get lg v10 unlock.bin file to your email id.11.   Now copy unlock.bin key file to your lg v10 mobile phone. Now you need to overwrite lg v10 memory with unlock key code so that you can use lg v10 on any gsm sim network.12.   Now flash your unlock key file to lg v10 mobile by following command. After that your lg v10 fully unlocking and you can use any sim on lg v10.13.   Now go to run prompt and type   --    adb reboot bootloader. This will reboot your lg v10 mobile in fastboot / bootloader mode. Now go to the directory where you have copied your unlock.bin key file.14.   Now type this command     --     fastboot flash unlock unlock.bin.    This will fully unlock your lg v10 android smartphone.15.   To check that lg v10 unlocked or not  first type this commandAdb reboot bootloader. By this lg v1010 enter into bootloader mode-          Now enter command     --     fastboot getvar all.-          Response of the command is     Bootloader ) unlocked: yesNow boot lg v10 into system mode by   -- fastboot reboot command. You have unlocked lg v10 mobile.Second method How to sim unlock lg v10 mobile by imei generated sim network unlock pin for lg v10 all models like v10 dual sim h961n, h962 model, lg v10 h900 /901, h960, vs990, v10 f600s / k /l.                       There are many lg v10 unlocker software tools available on net. You go to search result upto 4, 5 pages. There are many software unlock tool depending upon your lg models like at&t lg v10, lg g5, g4, t-mobile lg v10 etc. To generate sim network unlock pin for lg v10 at&t, t-mobile you need following information about your lg v10 android phone.       1)      Imei number of your lg v10 mobile.       2)      Make and model of your smartphone: that is lg electronics and models are lg v10 dual sim h961n, h962, h900 /901, h960, vs990, v10 f600 s / k /l.      3)      Mobile country code / mnc : each country has its own mobile country code.United States of America mnc is 310, Canada =302, United Kingdom=234, Australia=505, France=208, Germany= 262, Ireland= 272. Saudi Arabia =420, Oman=422, United Arab Emirates=424.      4)      Mobile network code /mnc : each gsm sim provider has its own mobile network code. These codes are different for same sim provider for usa and uk. For example at&t usa mnc code are 070,090, t-mobile mnc usa=026.O2 uk mnc =2, o2 germany mnc=7 /8. Sprint, Verizon, bell, telus each has its own mnc code for different country. You can get this from sim manual. You can find how to get lg imei unlock codes for lg g2 and lg g3 unlock code. Though all these method have same criteria to generate lg imei unlock code.      5)      Sim serial number: some software tool require sim serial number but this number is not necessary.      6)      Lg android installed with android os version: kitkat 4.4 – kitkat 4.4.4. , lollipop 5.0 – 5.0.1 and marshmallow 6.0 – 6.0.1.After providing above information, it generate following different kind of sim network unlock code.1)      Nck / network carrier code / network control key: this is most widely used unlock code. When you insert new sim to your lg v10 is ask for sim network unlock pin for your lg v10. Enter this nck code.  Nck code is a network unlock code for your lg v10 smartphone. To unlock o2, orange,At&t, t-mobile  lg v10 you should enter network unlock code nck.2)      Spck / service provider code key : this is sim service provider unlock code. To unlock bell sim, telus and fido sim, you should use spck service provider unlock code. When you enter new sim to lg v10 android and if it prompt for sim network unlock code for lg then enter this spck code.  Many time you need to enter both nck and spck code specially bell sim unlocking metropcs sim and fido sim unlocking.3)      Nsck / Sub network code key / network subset key: many gsm company in America use at&t, t-mobile gsm network as parent network and they only have sub network. In Canada many sim provider use bell, telus network and in UK and Europe many sim company use o2, orange and vodafone network and those sim provider only have sub network. So to unlock such a sim card you should enter nsck code- network subset unlock code when mobile ask for sim network unlock pin for unlocking.4)      Cpck / cck /corporate unlock key: many major industry purchase buck of mobile for their employees and to unlock those lg mobile you require corporate unlock code.5)      Simck / sim unlock key : this is sim unlock code. Enter this unlock code when lg v10 aks for sim unlock code. This is not widely used code6)      Unfreeze / deepfreeze code: normally these codes are not used for lg smartphone. Cellphone got freezed when it has roaming lock or when you have tried 5 or 10 unlocking attempt and mobile got hard locked.                                              Now after you get lg v10 sim network unlock code, insert any sim to lg v10. It ask for sim network unlock pin – unlocking attempt 1 of 10 unlock or dismiss. That means you have maximum 10 unlock attempt.                             Now enter correct sim network unlock pin for your lg v10 which is of 16 digits.  Normally you should use nck code and tap on unlock.  If your mobile is successfully unlocked you get message that sim network unlock successful.                                But if you get the message that sim network unlock unsuccessful then enter service provider unlock code – spck and many time bell, tenus and fido require both network unlock code and service provider unlock code. So first enter nck code of lg v10 and then enter spck code for lg v10.   I hope above lg v10 unlocking method help you to unlock all your lg v10 models.
    Aug 15, 2018 506
  • 15 Aug 2018
    Motorola cdma service codes:motorola unlock codes are diffrent from this motorola service codes and this motorola codes are for cdma phones not for motorola gsm mobile cellular phones.StarTAC 7760/7860 programming:Service menu: FCN+0+000000+000000+RCLTest mode: FCN 00**83786633 STOV60c programming:Service menu: 74663 # [Menu] [Menu] (programming code)Test mode: [Menu] 073887 * (security code = 000000)Motorola Tarpon (120x)1. Press 74663 (spells PHONE)1. Press # MENU MENU quickly2. Enter OTKSL3. The work MIN will be highlighted4. Select the word CHANGE by selecting the top right button5. Select DELETE. Press and hold the button until clear6. Have the customer enter the 10 digit MIN number7. Select OK with the top right button. The “User Activation” screen will appear8. Scroll to highlight the CDMA Sys ID9. Select CHANGE by selecting the top right button10. Enter SID11. Select OK by selecting the top right button12. Select DONE with the top left button13. Press the END key14. Press # MENU MENU quickly15. Enter OTKSL16. The work MIN will be highlighted17. Select the word CHANGE by selecting the top right button18. Select DELETE. Press and hold the button until clear19. Have the customer enter the 10 digit MIN number20. Select OK with the top right button. The “User Activation” screen will appear21. Scroll to highlight the CDMA Sys ID22. Select CHANGE by selecting the top right button23. Enter SID24. Select OK by selecting the top right button25. Select DONE with the top left buttonPress the END keyMotorola Phones (ALL)1. Enter 74663 # FCN FCN2. Enter OTKSL3. Enter MIN and press STO4. Enter SID (4654) and press STO5. Press STO again – programming is completeNote: on the Tarpon (120C) you will need to press the MENU key instead of FCN.
    470 Публикувано от resan carson
  • Motorola cdma service codes:motorola unlock codes are diffrent from this motorola service codes and this motorola codes are for cdma phones not for motorola gsm mobile cellular phones.StarTAC 7760/7860 programming:Service menu: FCN+0+000000+000000+RCLTest mode: FCN 00**83786633 STOV60c programming:Service menu: 74663 # [Menu] [Menu] (programming code)Test mode: [Menu] 073887 * (security code = 000000)Motorola Tarpon (120x)1. Press 74663 (spells PHONE)1. Press # MENU MENU quickly2. Enter OTKSL3. The work MIN will be highlighted4. Select the word CHANGE by selecting the top right button5. Select DELETE. Press and hold the button until clear6. Have the customer enter the 10 digit MIN number7. Select OK with the top right button. The “User Activation” screen will appear8. Scroll to highlight the CDMA Sys ID9. Select CHANGE by selecting the top right button10. Enter SID11. Select OK by selecting the top right button12. Select DONE with the top left button13. Press the END key14. Press # MENU MENU quickly15. Enter OTKSL16. The work MIN will be highlighted17. Select the word CHANGE by selecting the top right button18. Select DELETE. Press and hold the button until clear19. Have the customer enter the 10 digit MIN number20. Select OK with the top right button. The “User Activation” screen will appear21. Scroll to highlight the CDMA Sys ID22. Select CHANGE by selecting the top right button23. Enter SID24. Select OK by selecting the top right button25. Select DONE with the top left buttonPress the END keyMotorola Phones (ALL)1. Enter 74663 # FCN FCN2. Enter OTKSL3. Enter MIN and press STO4. Enter SID (4654) and press STO5. Press STO again – programming is completeNote: on the Tarpon (120C) you will need to press the MENU key instead of FCN.
    Aug 15, 2018 470
  • 15 Aug 2018
    SAGEM Mobile Service CodeThis are the segem mobile service code to help mobile repairing. Keep in mind this are not sagem unlock codes. Sagem phones unlocking codes are different from service code.Segem Secret Codes*# Commandsto check IMEI number *#06# Corresp. ID incoming displayed - *#30# followed by sendYour ID. outgoing displayed - *#31# followed by sendCall barr inactive - *#33# followed by sendCall barr inactive - *#35# followed by sendCall Waiting - *#43# followed by sendYour mobile number - *#100# followed by sendDHLRU1 ?meaning? - *#101# followed by sendTransmitter information *#102# followed by sendCurrent date and time *#103# followed by sendLast caller's number - *#147# followed by sendCall credit and service time left -*#1345# followed by sendHidden menu sagem phoneEngage one of the menus with the scroller then press *Application menu: option 1 Version, option 1 BatteryProm menu: option 1 IMEI numbersagem Sim lock: option 1 Sim lock - press okay for 30 second countdown, C button to cancel (caution with this I don't know what happens when the counter reaches 0!!, it may lock up your telephone's SIM card.Network: option 1 Option not availableTest LCD: option 1 Symbol 1 Tests screen, option 2 Symbol 2 Tests screen, option 3 Black Tests screen, option 4 For photo Tests screen, option 5 Tests the vibratorType MENU - 5 - 1 - 1 - # to enter Engineering menu on SAGEM (RC-712, 721, 815 and 815 plus) mobile phones.Hope this sagem code help you. Diffrent sagem model may have diffrent code like diffrent unlocking codes. some code may not working with sagem.
    477 Публикувано от resan carson
  • SAGEM Mobile Service CodeThis are the segem mobile service code to help mobile repairing. Keep in mind this are not sagem unlock codes. Sagem phones unlocking codes are different from service code.Segem Secret Codes*# Commandsto check IMEI number *#06# Corresp. ID incoming displayed - *#30# followed by sendYour ID. outgoing displayed - *#31# followed by sendCall barr inactive - *#33# followed by sendCall barr inactive - *#35# followed by sendCall Waiting - *#43# followed by sendYour mobile number - *#100# followed by sendDHLRU1 ?meaning? - *#101# followed by sendTransmitter information *#102# followed by sendCurrent date and time *#103# followed by sendLast caller's number - *#147# followed by sendCall credit and service time left -*#1345# followed by sendHidden menu sagem phoneEngage one of the menus with the scroller then press *Application menu: option 1 Version, option 1 BatteryProm menu: option 1 IMEI numbersagem Sim lock: option 1 Sim lock - press okay for 30 second countdown, C button to cancel (caution with this I don't know what happens when the counter reaches 0!!, it may lock up your telephone's SIM card.Network: option 1 Option not availableTest LCD: option 1 Symbol 1 Tests screen, option 2 Symbol 2 Tests screen, option 3 Black Tests screen, option 4 For photo Tests screen, option 5 Tests the vibratorType MENU - 5 - 1 - 1 - # to enter Engineering menu on SAGEM (RC-712, 721, 815 and 815 plus) mobile phones.Hope this sagem code help you. Diffrent sagem model may have diffrent code like diffrent unlocking codes. some code may not working with sagem.
    Aug 15, 2018 477
  • 15 Aug 2018
    How to unlock samsung galaxy s7 edge, free at&t t-mobile sim network unlock galaxy s7 and how to get samsung g s7 / s7 edge sim network unlock code from imei no.                           Samsung galaxy s7 edge and galaxy s7 equipped with chipset exynos 8890 and snapdragon820. Samsung g s7 support 2g 3g gsm / cdma / 4g lte having 4gb ram and internal memory 32gb /64gb and expandable to 256gb. In samsung galaxy s series samsung galaxy s7 edge and galaxy s7 have display screen 5.5 and 5.1 respectively and having quad hd super amoled display. Amoled stand for active matrix organic light emitting diode. It has 12 mp rear camera and dual pixel 5mp front camera. Galaxy s7 edge installed with android os version marshmallow 6.0. galaxy s7 edge and galaxy s7 have battery 3600mah and 3000mah. First method to unlock Samsung galaxy s7 edge and Samsung g s7 unlocking vie retrieving network unlock code from galaxy s7 marshmallow os.                                                    When your Samsung galaxy s7 edge sim locked then unlock code must be stored within android os of your Samsung g s7.  To recover network unlock code first download any good file explorer or root explorer from the app store.  This method cannot be used with sprint, Verizon, bell and telus cdma samsung galaxy s7 edge unlocking as there is no unlock code used in cdma unlocking. This trick can only be used with gsm network unlocking like at&t and t-mobile sim unlocking.                            Also go to Samsung g s7 edge setting- about device- software info- tap 7 times build number. This will open developer option. Now if there is an option for enable usb debugging, root explorer and mount file system then enable those options.Also install su - superuser to root/ system / sbin,xbin and bin.Now here are the possible location where your Samsung galaxy s7 smartphone sim unlock code and Samsung g s7 edge network unlock code can be stored.              1)            Now browse the /root folder of s7 edge galaxy android and find the folder named carrier. Under carrier folder there is a file name called property or build.Prop and apn config. So location for unlock code for galaxy s7 edge is */carrier folder/. These are the files where network information and sim network locking information are stored. If you replace this file with unlocked version of files then your samsung galaxy s7 edge can be unlocked for free. Carrier folder has all information about gsm sim network. For older galaxy mobiles here is the way to find samsung galaxy sim network unlock code  from samsung android os. This method is only useful for previous version of samsung galaxy mobile.  At&t t-mobile sprint cricket sim carrier folder may have different name.                2)      Now there is efs folder under */root folder. This efs folder have all information about your galaxy s7 imei number, sim network information, sim locking information and it also has nv data nv stand for non volatile memory. This file may content information about sim locking code. So search for nvm_001, nvm_002 file name. And if you find such file open those file with editor and look for network lock or sim lock information.  Rewrite of nv data can also unlock your android Samsung g s7 edge smartphone. I have created separate post for how to unlock Samsung mobile without unlock code go through that post in that post I have given detail about how to  get nv data option on Samsung galaxy mobile. Efs folder also contain carrier folder which has hidden menu for your Samsung galaxy s7 edge smartphone.            3) Now you can also look into root/ system folder or system / sbin or bin folder for simlock, networklock or carrierlock file. If such file exists then twick with those files can also unlock your galaxy s7 edge smartphone.                            It is not necessary that such file always exits on your Samsung g s7 android mobile. These are just tricks to unlock galaxy s7 edge for free.You can use this method for following galaxy s7 edge models and galaxy s7 model.               Unlock bell samsung galaxy s7edge sm-g935w8, galaxy s7 edge sm-g935f  Europe , china samsung galaxy s7 edge sm-9350, unlock at&t samsung galaxy s7 edge model no. sm-g935a, unlock t-mobile samsung galaxy s7 edge model no. sm-g935t, us cellular samsung galaxy s7 edge sm-g935r4 unlock, Verizon samsung galaxy s7 edge unlock model no. sm-g935v.Second method for how to unlock samsung galaxy s7 edge for free without sim network unlock code.                                    This method requires more technical knowledge about your android galaxy s7 edge smartphone.  This can permanently unlock bell, telus, at&t and t-mobile  samsung galaxy s7 and s7 edge gsm network. But if you are unlocking cdma galaxy s7 edge / cdma Samsung galaxy s7 then after firmware installation you need to enter your cdma network information for your galaxy s7 android. As in gsm subscriber network information stored at sim card like cricket, us cellular sim. But in cdma there is no sim card, network information is software coded into your galaxy s7 mobile phone.1)      In this method first go to setting -about phone and find baseband version of your samsung g s7 edge. Also find the mobile modem version and modem firmware version of galaxy s7 edge.2) Here are the few samsung galaxy s7 ussd codes for software, hardware and firmware version.*#1234# ,   *#8999*8376263#   and   *#2222# .3) Now download galaxy s7 edge modem firmware version as per your model no. At&t samsung galaxy s7 edge model no. is sm-935a, at&t galaxy s7 model no. sm-930a and tmobile samsung galaxy s7 edge model no is sm-935t, t-mobile galaxy s7 model no. 930t. You can also download degrade version of galaxy s7 modem from any free source.  For samsung galaxy note5, galaxy note 3 here is another method for sim network unlocking galaxy note5. But here I am providing more better way to unlock galaxy s7 mobile you can also use this method for galaxy note4 and galaxy note4 unlocking.4) When your samsung g s7 smartphone sim locked, such locking occurs at firmware software level. Such locking are logical and there are no physical sim locking. So if you replace entire firmware software of your samsung galaxy s7 edge. Then there will be no locking and your bell / at&t / t-mobile samsung galaxy s7 edge fully unlocked.5) Connect your samsung galaxy s7 / s7 edge to computer. Also keep copy of android software developer kit sdk. Install usb driver for samsung g s7 or s7 edge on your computer.6) Enable usb debugging on your samsung galaxy s7 smartphone. 7) Now download any samsung compatible software which allow you to reinstall or change modem firmware software on your galaxy s7 or s7 edge.8) It is advisable to download degrade version for modem firmware, and then install that degrade version of modem firmware on your samsung galaxy s7 edge / galaxy s7. After installing degrade version of firmware your samsung galaxy s7 edge is unlocked. Then upgrade your modem firmware to actual modem firmware which was installed on your locked samsung galaxy s7.              If sim locking is done at bootloader level then this method will not work. You need custom bootloader for unlocking your samsung mobile.              Above samsung galaxy s7 unlocking method can be used for following samsung g s7 models.Sim unlock bell samsung galaxy s7 model no. sm-g930w8, china samsung galaxy s7 sm-g9300/9308, Europe samsung galaxy s7 sm-g930, cricket samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930az, at&t samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930a, t-mobile samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930t, us cellular samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930r4, Verizon samsung galaxy s7 unlock sm-g930v.Third method how to get sim network unlock code for samsung galaxy s7 and s7 edgeThere are many unlocking software tools and apps for samsung galaxy unlocking. You can search on internet. There are many galaxy model specific unlocking software and download latest version software. Some of old software will not generate correct unlock code for galaxy s7 / s7 edge.To generate samsung galaxy s7 network unlock code you need following information about your samsung g s7 and s7 edge.        1)      Imei no of your samsung g s7 edge / galaxy s7 cellphone.       2)      Carrier with your samsung galaxy s7 android locked : at&t, t-mobile, bell, orange, o2, us cellular and cricket.      3)      Mobile country code / mnc where your samsung smartphone locked:United states of America / usa :310, Canada:302, United kingdom / uk :234, Germany: 262, France :208, Australia :505, Oman : 422 ,Saudi Arabia:420 and United arab Emirates / Uae : 424, Ireland : 272.       4)      Mnc / mobile network code for gsm sim locked carrier:Mnc for usa at&t unlock= 70,90, mnc for usa t-mobile unlock=26, mnc for usa cricket unlock=16, mnc for usa Verizon unlock=110 and Sprint =120.Mnc for Canada bell unlock=640,650, mnc for Canada telus unlock=220,221.O2 uk unlock=2 and Vodafone uk=15.Mnc for Orange France unlock=1, 2.O2 Germany unlock=2, t-mobile Germany =1.       5)      Make and model of samsung g s7 and s7 edge:Samsung galaxy s7 models are bell sm-g930w8, china sm-g9300/9308, Europe sm-g930, cricket sm-g930az, at&t sm-g930a, t-mobile sm-g930t, us cellular sm-g930r4, Verizon sm-g930v.Samsung galaxy s7 edge models are bell sm-g935w8, sm-g935f  Europe , china sm-9350, at&t sm-g935a, t-mobile sm-g935t, us cellular sm-g935r4, Verizon sm-g935v.      6)      Android os version installed on galaxy s7 edge: lollipop 5.0 - 5.1.1, marshmallow 6.0 -6.0.1. Latest galaxy s7 and s7 edge installed with marshmallow 6.0. This is additional information it may not require for unlocking mobile phone. Just in case some app ask for that.Once sim network unlock pin generated from samsung galaxy s7 imei number. It normally generate 4 kinds of unlock code.1)      Nck network carrier code / samsung s7 network unlock code: when you insert a new sim to your galaxy s7 and galaxy s7 edge it show that invalid sim card or network locked sim card inserted. And next it asks for samsung s7 sim network unlock pin or galaxy s7 sim network unlock code. Here enter nck code. Nck is the most widely used unlock code.2)      Spck service provider unlock code: many time for your samsung galaxy s7 network unlock code is spck code. Many gsm ask for spck service provider unlock code for galaxy s7 unlocking.  fido, metropcs and Canada telus require both nck and spck code for sim unlocking samsung g s7.3)      Nsck network subnet code key / network subset key: in Usa many sim company use at&t , t-mobile and us cellular gsm network. And those companies only have sub network. To unlock those sim with galaxy s7 you should use nsck code. In Canada bell, telus and roger are the main gsm / cdma network provider. And other company only have sub network. Similarly in UK Europe o2, Vodafone are main gsm network provider and other company have only sub network.4)      Unfreeze or defreeze code: these codes is mainly used with samsung mobile only. Many of samsung galaxy android mobile has roaming lock. This makes your samsung galaxy smartphone phone freezed. Also when you enter wrong network unlock code many time it freeze your galaxy s7 mobile and to unlock samsung galaxy s7 smartphone you need both unfreeze code and nck code.                                             Once you got galaxy s7 edge / galaxy s7 network unlock code insert new sim to samsung galaxy s7 or s7 edge. On galaxy s7 edge screen it show message that wrong invalid sim card, incorrect microchip simcard, network locked sim card inserted or phone restricted and ask to enter bell / t-mobile / at&t galaxy s7 edge network unlock code.                                   Enter nck code for galaxy s7. And if you have entered correct sim network unlock pin than you got message that network unlock successful. But if you get message that network unlock unsuccessful. Then first check that your samsung galaxy s7 edge unlock code is 8 digit and you have entered correct unlock code. For at&t sim unlock, t-mobile sim unlock you need to enter nck code. But bell sim unlock, telus sim unlock you need to enter first nck code and then spck code.                          And if your phone is freezed then you first enter defreeze code and then enter nck code. After that your samsung galaxy s7 smartphone fully unlocked and you get message that network unlock successful. Above three methods can successfully unlock samsung galaxy s7 and s7 edge.
    731 Публикувано от resan carson
  • How to unlock samsung galaxy s7 edge, free at&t t-mobile sim network unlock galaxy s7 and how to get samsung g s7 / s7 edge sim network unlock code from imei no.                           Samsung galaxy s7 edge and galaxy s7 equipped with chipset exynos 8890 and snapdragon820. Samsung g s7 support 2g 3g gsm / cdma / 4g lte having 4gb ram and internal memory 32gb /64gb and expandable to 256gb. In samsung galaxy s series samsung galaxy s7 edge and galaxy s7 have display screen 5.5 and 5.1 respectively and having quad hd super amoled display. Amoled stand for active matrix organic light emitting diode. It has 12 mp rear camera and dual pixel 5mp front camera. Galaxy s7 edge installed with android os version marshmallow 6.0. galaxy s7 edge and galaxy s7 have battery 3600mah and 3000mah. First method to unlock Samsung galaxy s7 edge and Samsung g s7 unlocking vie retrieving network unlock code from galaxy s7 marshmallow os.                                                    When your Samsung galaxy s7 edge sim locked then unlock code must be stored within android os of your Samsung g s7.  To recover network unlock code first download any good file explorer or root explorer from the app store.  This method cannot be used with sprint, Verizon, bell and telus cdma samsung galaxy s7 edge unlocking as there is no unlock code used in cdma unlocking. This trick can only be used with gsm network unlocking like at&t and t-mobile sim unlocking.                            Also go to Samsung g s7 edge setting- about device- software info- tap 7 times build number. This will open developer option. Now if there is an option for enable usb debugging, root explorer and mount file system then enable those options.Also install su - superuser to root/ system / sbin,xbin and bin.Now here are the possible location where your Samsung galaxy s7 smartphone sim unlock code and Samsung g s7 edge network unlock code can be stored.              1)            Now browse the /root folder of s7 edge galaxy android and find the folder named carrier. Under carrier folder there is a file name called property or build.Prop and apn config. So location for unlock code for galaxy s7 edge is */carrier folder/. These are the files where network information and sim network locking information are stored. If you replace this file with unlocked version of files then your samsung galaxy s7 edge can be unlocked for free. Carrier folder has all information about gsm sim network. For older galaxy mobiles here is the way to find samsung galaxy sim network unlock code  from samsung android os. This method is only useful for previous version of samsung galaxy mobile.  At&t t-mobile sprint cricket sim carrier folder may have different name.                2)      Now there is efs folder under */root folder. This efs folder have all information about your galaxy s7 imei number, sim network information, sim locking information and it also has nv data nv stand for non volatile memory. This file may content information about sim locking code. So search for nvm_001, nvm_002 file name. And if you find such file open those file with editor and look for network lock or sim lock information.  Rewrite of nv data can also unlock your android Samsung g s7 edge smartphone. I have created separate post for how to unlock Samsung mobile without unlock code go through that post in that post I have given detail about how to  get nv data option on Samsung galaxy mobile. Efs folder also contain carrier folder which has hidden menu for your Samsung galaxy s7 edge smartphone.            3) Now you can also look into root/ system folder or system / sbin or bin folder for simlock, networklock or carrierlock file. If such file exists then twick with those files can also unlock your galaxy s7 edge smartphone.                            It is not necessary that such file always exits on your Samsung g s7 android mobile. These are just tricks to unlock galaxy s7 edge for free.You can use this method for following galaxy s7 edge models and galaxy s7 model.               Unlock bell samsung galaxy s7edge sm-g935w8, galaxy s7 edge sm-g935f  Europe , china samsung galaxy s7 edge sm-9350, unlock at&t samsung galaxy s7 edge model no. sm-g935a, unlock t-mobile samsung galaxy s7 edge model no. sm-g935t, us cellular samsung galaxy s7 edge sm-g935r4 unlock, Verizon samsung galaxy s7 edge unlock model no. sm-g935v.Second method for how to unlock samsung galaxy s7 edge for free without sim network unlock code.                                    This method requires more technical knowledge about your android galaxy s7 edge smartphone.  This can permanently unlock bell, telus, at&t and t-mobile  samsung galaxy s7 and s7 edge gsm network. But if you are unlocking cdma galaxy s7 edge / cdma Samsung galaxy s7 then after firmware installation you need to enter your cdma network information for your galaxy s7 android. As in gsm subscriber network information stored at sim card like cricket, us cellular sim. But in cdma there is no sim card, network information is software coded into your galaxy s7 mobile phone.1)      In this method first go to setting -about phone and find baseband version of your samsung g s7 edge. Also find the mobile modem version and modem firmware version of galaxy s7 edge.2) Here are the few samsung galaxy s7 ussd codes for software, hardware and firmware version.*#1234# ,   *#8999*8376263#   and   *#2222# .3) Now download galaxy s7 edge modem firmware version as per your model no. At&t samsung galaxy s7 edge model no. is sm-935a, at&t galaxy s7 model no. sm-930a and tmobile samsung galaxy s7 edge model no is sm-935t, t-mobile galaxy s7 model no. 930t. You can also download degrade version of galaxy s7 modem from any free source.  For samsung galaxy note5, galaxy note 3 here is another method for sim network unlocking galaxy note5. But here I am providing more better way to unlock galaxy s7 mobile you can also use this method for galaxy note4 and galaxy note4 unlocking.4) When your samsung g s7 smartphone sim locked, such locking occurs at firmware software level. Such locking are logical and there are no physical sim locking. So if you replace entire firmware software of your samsung galaxy s7 edge. Then there will be no locking and your bell / at&t / t-mobile samsung galaxy s7 edge fully unlocked.5) Connect your samsung galaxy s7 / s7 edge to computer. Also keep copy of android software developer kit sdk. Install usb driver for samsung g s7 or s7 edge on your computer.6) Enable usb debugging on your samsung galaxy s7 smartphone. 7) Now download any samsung compatible software which allow you to reinstall or change modem firmware software on your galaxy s7 or s7 edge.8) It is advisable to download degrade version for modem firmware, and then install that degrade version of modem firmware on your samsung galaxy s7 edge / galaxy s7. After installing degrade version of firmware your samsung galaxy s7 edge is unlocked. Then upgrade your modem firmware to actual modem firmware which was installed on your locked samsung galaxy s7.              If sim locking is done at bootloader level then this method will not work. You need custom bootloader for unlocking your samsung mobile.              Above samsung galaxy s7 unlocking method can be used for following samsung g s7 models.Sim unlock bell samsung galaxy s7 model no. sm-g930w8, china samsung galaxy s7 sm-g9300/9308, Europe samsung galaxy s7 sm-g930, cricket samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930az, at&t samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930a, t-mobile samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930t, us cellular samsung galaxy s7 unlock model no. sm-g930r4, Verizon samsung galaxy s7 unlock sm-g930v.Third method how to get sim network unlock code for samsung galaxy s7 and s7 edgeThere are many unlocking software tools and apps for samsung galaxy unlocking. You can search on internet. There are many galaxy model specific unlocking software and download latest version software. Some of old software will not generate correct unlock code for galaxy s7 / s7 edge.To generate samsung galaxy s7 network unlock code you need following information about your samsung g s7 and s7 edge.        1)      Imei no of your samsung g s7 edge / galaxy s7 cellphone.       2)      Carrier with your samsung galaxy s7 android locked : at&t, t-mobile, bell, orange, o2, us cellular and cricket.      3)      Mobile country code / mnc where your samsung smartphone locked:United states of America / usa :310, Canada:302, United kingdom / uk :234, Germany: 262, France :208, Australia :505, Oman : 422 ,Saudi Arabia:420 and United arab Emirates / Uae : 424, Ireland : 272.       4)      Mnc / mobile network code for gsm sim locked carrier:Mnc for usa at&t unlock= 70,90, mnc for usa t-mobile unlock=26, mnc for usa cricket unlock=16, mnc for usa Verizon unlock=110 and Sprint =120.Mnc for Canada bell unlock=640,650, mnc for Canada telus unlock=220,221.O2 uk unlock=2 and Vodafone uk=15.Mnc for Orange France unlock=1, 2.O2 Germany unlock=2, t-mobile Germany =1.       5)      Make and model of samsung g s7 and s7 edge:Samsung galaxy s7 models are bell sm-g930w8, china sm-g9300/9308, Europe sm-g930, cricket sm-g930az, at&t sm-g930a, t-mobile sm-g930t, us cellular sm-g930r4, Verizon sm-g930v.Samsung galaxy s7 edge models are bell sm-g935w8, sm-g935f  Europe , china sm-9350, at&t sm-g935a, t-mobile sm-g935t, us cellular sm-g935r4, Verizon sm-g935v.      6)      Android os version installed on galaxy s7 edge: lollipop 5.0 - 5.1.1, marshmallow 6.0 -6.0.1. Latest galaxy s7 and s7 edge installed with marshmallow 6.0. This is additional information it may not require for unlocking mobile phone. Just in case some app ask for that.Once sim network unlock pin generated from samsung galaxy s7 imei number. It normally generate 4 kinds of unlock code.1)      Nck network carrier code / samsung s7 network unlock code: when you insert a new sim to your galaxy s7 and galaxy s7 edge it show that invalid sim card or network locked sim card inserted. And next it asks for samsung s7 sim network unlock pin or galaxy s7 sim network unlock code. Here enter nck code. Nck is the most widely used unlock code.2)      Spck service provider unlock code: many time for your samsung galaxy s7 network unlock code is spck code. Many gsm ask for spck service provider unlock code for galaxy s7 unlocking.  fido, metropcs and Canada telus require both nck and spck code for sim unlocking samsung g s7.3)      Nsck network subnet code key / network subset key: in Usa many sim company use at&t , t-mobile and us cellular gsm network. And those companies only have sub network. To unlock those sim with galaxy s7 you should use nsck code. In Canada bell, telus and roger are the main gsm / cdma network provider. And other company only have sub network. Similarly in UK Europe o2, Vodafone are main gsm network provider and other company have only sub network.4)      Unfreeze or defreeze code: these codes is mainly used with samsung mobile only. Many of samsung galaxy android mobile has roaming lock. This makes your samsung galaxy smartphone phone freezed. Also when you enter wrong network unlock code many time it freeze your galaxy s7 mobile and to unlock samsung galaxy s7 smartphone you need both unfreeze code and nck code.                                             Once you got galaxy s7 edge / galaxy s7 network unlock code insert new sim to samsung galaxy s7 or s7 edge. On galaxy s7 edge screen it show message that wrong invalid sim card, incorrect microchip simcard, network locked sim card inserted or phone restricted and ask to enter bell / t-mobile / at&t galaxy s7 edge network unlock code.                                   Enter nck code for galaxy s7. And if you have entered correct sim network unlock pin than you got message that network unlock successful. But if you get message that network unlock unsuccessful. Then first check that your samsung galaxy s7 edge unlock code is 8 digit and you have entered correct unlock code. For at&t sim unlock, t-mobile sim unlock you need to enter nck code. But bell sim unlock, telus sim unlock you need to enter first nck code and then spck code.                          And if your phone is freezed then you first enter defreeze code and then enter nck code. After that your samsung galaxy s7 smartphone fully unlocked and you get message that network unlock successful. Above three methods can successfully unlock samsung galaxy s7 and s7 edge.
    Aug 15, 2018 731